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Load Impact – Test how much load your website can handle!

By Ricky on November 27th, 2010 

Load Impact is a web tool that can help you determine how much load your website can handle.digi_loadimpact2

Determining the load handling capacity of a website may not be particularly important if the website is just starting out and a huge number of hits is not expected. However, it is very important if your site is growing and recieving a lot of visitors; afteryou would not want any vistor to turn away because the site cannot take anymore visitors. Load Impact gives a relatively simple method of determining if your website will break under the strain of heavy load or if it can handle it. It has a very simple interface where all you have to do is enter the URL of the site, and it runs the test and gives you the result graphically. They offer both free service as well as paid service; the limition of the free service being that only low load tests can be run.

We ran a free test and the result graph is shown below:


Technorati tags: load testing load impact


Load Impact – Test how much load your website can handle! was originally published on on March 9, 2009 - 11:09 pm (Indian Standard Time)