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Google Testing A New Design For The New Tab Page In Chrome

By Ricky on June 24th, 2011 

Google is doing a lot with its Chrome browser. Recently they have made it possible to hide the URL bar and have announced that they are building real time communication capabilities into the browser itself.

Google has introduced another new feature in Chrome – a redesigned new tab page. In the traditional Chrome new tab page, the apps, most visited sites and recently closed sites are listed on one page. Users can have either the apps section expanded or the most visited section expended at a time – but not both.


The traditional Chrome new tab page


In the redesigned new tab page, Google seem to have taken inspiration from touch screen devices. The apps and most visited sites are listed in two separate pages. Here are screenshots:


Most visited page in the redesigned new tab page



Apps page in the redesigned new tab page


Users can slide between the two pages clicking on the navigation link at the bottom of the page or using gestures. While I find clicking on the navigation link convenient with a mouse, the gesture method is faster and more convenient to use with the touchpad. To move to the next page using the gesture, double tap on the touchpad and move to the direction of the new page. Of course you can also use the mouse to do the gesture.



How to get the redesigned new tab page

This redesigned new tab page is available in the canary build of Chrome right now. I am not sure if it is there in the developer channel, but the one in the beta channel does not have this feature yet. (Read this if you want to install the Canary build.)

Open the browser and type “about:flags” (without quotes) in the omnibar and press Enter. In the about:flags page, scroll down until you find “Experiment new tab page”. Click on Enable and restart Chrome.

(This feature is experimental right now and bugs may be present.)

You should have the redesigned new tab page now.


Do you like the new design? Leave your opinions in the comments below.

[via: Tech Laze]


Google Testing A New Design For The New Tab Page In Chrome was originally published on on June 24, 2011 - 6:24 pm (Indian Standard Time)