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Youtube Now Lets You Skip Video Ads

Youtube Now Lets You Skip Video Ads

Google has launched a new video advertisement technology called the TrueView video ads which lets users skip videos ads or view them if they wish to. Google says this model which will benefit both consumers and advertisers.

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By Debjit

Google’s “Facebook Killer” Social Product Titled Emerald Sea?

Emerald City has been integrated into numerous Google products and is being actively used internally. Emerald City is the project name for what people outside of Google refer to as “Google Me”.

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By Debjit

The Easiest Guide To Video Chat In GMail

The Easiest Guide To Video Chat In GMail

Did you ever wonder how easy is it is even for elder people (say Your Granny) to use Video Chat using GMail? Yes, it is damn simple. Google now has a video to prove that, and of course a PDF guide for the same.

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By Debjit

iPhone 4G Confirmed? Hints From Apple

There is a high chance that Apple is Going to Roll out the iPhone 4G soon!

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By Debjit

Microsoft is Committed to Open Source

I get a lot of junk email at my day job, usually from vendors that are trying to convince me that they are better than the competition, or just your typical spam. I usually empty my spam folder without reading anything but one heading did catch my attention (the title of this post). If you…


By Ricky

Strange: Windows 7 Deletes All Your Saved Restore Points

The so-called system restore feature in Windows 7 deletes restore points without even throwing any warning when the system is rebooted.

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By Debjit

Apple Becomes Largest U.S.-Based Mobile Phone Manufacturer

In an article on Motorola’s earnings report earlier this week, Forbes notes that Apple has passed Motorola to become the largest mobile phone manufacturer based in the United States. Motorola sold a total of 8.5 million phones in the quarter, while Apple sold 8.8 million iPhones. Four years ago, when the Razr was still popular, Motorola sold…


By Ricky

Steve Jobs : Thoughts on Flash – It is past and dead. RIP Flash !

Apple has a long relationship with Adobe. In fact, we met Adobe’s founders when they were in their proverbial garage. Apple was their first big customer, adopting their Postscript language for our new Laserwriter printer. Apple invested in Adobe and owned around 20% of the company for many years. The two companies worked closely together…


By Debjit

Visualizing Usage of the Firefox Menu Bar

The Mozilla Labs Test Pilot team recently ran a study to explore how users interact with Firefox’s menu bar. The study is now complete and the raw data is available, so in addition to the great visualizations that they have already made, I put together a heat map: Read More Here


By Ricky

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