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Articles related to ‘webmaster’

Yahoo! To Shut Down Site Explorer Later This Year

Yahoo! Site Explorer Logo

As a part of the merger of Yahoo!’s search backend with Bing search engine, Yahoo! has announced the shut down of it’s Site Explorer tool from the Yahoo! Search service. Webmasters will now be required to use the Bing Webmaster Central for both Yahoo! and Bing search.

 News   Web  

By Debjit

Google Anti-Malware Team to answer your questions

Google Anti-Malware Team to answer your questions

The Google Anti-Malware engineering team, which is responsible for the “This site may harm your computer” warning you see with some sites in Google search, is going taking questions regarding to their scanning and flagging of such warnings. If you have any questions, you can head over to the Google Moderator Page they have created…

 General   Google   News  

By Ricky

Act Fast – Submit your website to Bing for better hits is a new search engine (read: decision engine) and has created quite a lot of hype in a very short time. Bing, the decision engine  provides you with some really cool features and more user friendliness with all that eye soothing artwork in the background. Many people will be trying out Bing search engine…

 Articles   How-To   Microsoft   Tips & Tricks   Web  

By Debjit

Webmaster Alert: Check your Googleapps service status regularly

Webmaster Alert: Check your Googleapps service status regularly

After the Gmail disaster, we must be clear about one thing that even Google is not safe to be banked on regarding your Business as your business might be using many of the awesome Google Apps for your organisation. The thing is most of the Google products are always beta. Even Gmail is. So it…

 Google   How-To   Ideas   Tips & Tricks   Web  

By Debjit

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