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Articles related to ‘chat’

How to enable Facebook chat in Kopete [without plugins]

Recently Facebook has launched support for XMPP in its chat. This is good news for many and now it is no longer necessary to have a separate plugin to enable Facebook Chat in any chat client supporting Jabber. In this article, we will show you how to enable Facebook chat in Kopete, the default chat…

 Facebook   How-To   Web  

By Ricky

Temporary fix for the “Waiting for Network” problem in Pidgin (Linux)?

Temporary fix for the “Waiting for Network” problem in Pidgin (Linux)?

Pidgin (IM Client) is no doubt the best instant messaging client available for Linux. It supports many services (protocols) like Google Talk, MSN, Yahoo and more. But Pidgin has a small problem that it displays the “Waiting for Network Connection ” in the status bar even if you are connected to the internet, as a…

 Articles   Linux   OS   Tech   Tips & Tricks   Troubleshoot   Web  

By Debjit

BabelWithMe lets you to chat in any language, helps you expand business

BabelWithMe lets you to chat in any language, helps you expand business

Sometimes your business stays limited to your country due to the inability to get international customers. This will always be a problem if you or your organisation has language limitations. And if language is a problem it will not be easy for you to expand your business. BabelWithMe is a web based service that aims…

 Articles   Ideas   Web  

By Debjit

Tiny Chat – Create your own disposable chat room instantly!!

Tiny Chat – Create your own disposable chat room instantly!!

Have you ever wanted to have a group chat multiple people but cannot because not everyone uses the same messenger? if yes, you are in luck. Tiny Chat can solve your problem. Tiny Chat is a free service that allows users to create their own chat room instantly. There is even no need for any…

 Social Media   Web  

By Ricky

How-To use Facebook Chat without a browser?

How-To use Facebook Chat without a browser?

Facebook`s Chat feature really makes Facebook an all-in-one social networking website. People have started using the Facebook Chat much as they use the Google Chat. The only only downside to Facebook`s chat is that you donont have a client for the chat feature. But, now you can have your favourite Facebook Chat right on a…

 Facebook   Hacks   How-To   Linux   Social Media   Windows   Windows 7  

By Debjit

Facebook chat now on Meebo, officially!

Facebook chat now on Meebo, officially!

Meebo has launched the Facebook chat integration again after Facebook had asked them to shut down their previous Facebook-meebo chat. This was because Facebook wanted Meebo to connect to the fB network in a different way, that works with their log-in security protocol. This time the Meebo Chat is using the all new Facebook Connect…

 Facebook   News   Web  

By Debjit

Google and Youtube video previews right inside Gmail chat

Google and Youtube video previews right inside Gmail chat

The GMail team has introduced yet another new feature to their Gmail version of Google Talk, i.e. Gmail Chat. Now, if you receive or send a link to a video in a chat message, you’ll see a preview of the video right in your chat window. This feature removes the unnecessary copy pasting of the…

 Google   Ideas   Pragmatism   Software   Web Design  

By Debjit

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