Top 5 Sony PlayStation Vita Games of 2012
Having just launched in early 2012, the PS Vita has already accrued a wide variety of interesting and original games. Many of these new PS Vita games have been created to take full advantage of the Vita's unique system capabilities, including its rear touch pad and tilt sensor.

PS Vita
If you're a new Vita owner and you want to start out with the best games possible, then take a look at these top five PS Vita games for 2012:
A portable system just isn't complete without a great fighting game under its belt, and Mortal Kombat definitely fills that role. With a roster of new and classic fighters from the Mortal Kombat series, players will discover that performing a Fatality today is just as satisfying as it was 1992. (Complete Edition)
4. WipEout 2048
WipEout 2048 isn't just an ordinary racing game; it's a high-speed, hair-pulling beast of a racing game that will leave you both challenged and filled with joy. Taking full advantage of front and back touch input plus six-axis motion controls, gamers will find WipEout 2048 to be hard to put down.
Uncharted: Golden Abyss marks the first game in the series to make the jump to portable systems, and it doesn't disappoint in the slightest. Taking control of Nathan Drake through multiple beautiful environments, players will yet again be on the hunt for fame and fortune in this adventure-oriented outing.
It's weird. It's fun. It's Katamari. Touch My Katamari shows us once again that rolling around town and picking up everything in sight truly never gets old. And with the new stretch abilities available thanks to Vita's touch capabilities, it's a completely new experience even for series vets.
1. Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
What's better than one of the greatest stealth-action games of all time, completely remastered in HD? Two games, of course! The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection brings Vita players two of the best games of all time with improved graphics and all the same great gameplay. With both Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 in one portable package, players can sneak away to play anytime they want.
Though these five are truly the cream-of-the-crop when it comes to new PS Vita games, don't just limit yourself to the games listed here. Many new games are popping up on PSN and in stores each week that are just begging to be played on-the-go.