How to sync your FeedDemon feeds with Google Reader?
FeedDemon 3 is finally here. It features the much awaited Google Reader sync feature. Now you can sync all your feeds inside FeedDemon with Google Reader thus making your feeds available to you anywhere anytime. In this article we will tell you some basic steps involved in setting up the syncronization between FeedDemon and Google Reader.
1. Install the new FeedDemon 3. Open FeedDemon and navigate to Tools > Synchronization Options
2. Select "Yes" and click next.
3. Now choose from the list, what all you want to be synchronized.
4. Enter your Google Reader credentials (login ID and password) and click next.
You have just set up a synchronization between your FeedDemon feeds and your Google Reader account. You can also use the new FeedDemon asĀ a twitter client.