How to scrobble tracks to Last.FM using RealPlayer?
You love and showing off your listening charts to others. And you love the Real Player. So, the problem you might be facing is that you cannot carry on your two love affairs 'simultaneously' as you can't use the Real Player for scrobbling and submitting tracks to
Don't worry , there's a solution around. Thanks to Ron Gatewood, you have the ScrobRealPlayer. It is basically a plug-in for RealPlayer 11 . It transfers the currently playing song information to the Last.FM social music platform server. A single windows dll file contains the entire plug-in. Just grab it, install it and you are done.
According to Ron, ScrobRealPlayer , is based on the RealSystem G2 SDK from RealNetworks and implements the Last.FM ScrobSub library made available by Audioscrobbler and the plug-in was developed based on information made available by Last.FM and by RealNetworks. He initially made the plug-in for his own personal use but now you can use it too. Minor glitches include inability to scrobble Audio CDs and streams played from Rhapsody, etc.
Get ScrobRealPlayer now and start scrobbling with your Real Player.
Related: How-To scrobble tracks to using VLC Media Player?