Play word games using twitter: @BeatMyTweet
Twitter games have become very common these days. BeatMyTweet is yet another Twitter Bot run game that tweets questions most of which are scrambled words from the English Vocabulary. It gives you 15 minutes to answer a question after which it puts up a new question. The list of first 10 users sending correct entries are displayed on it's homepage. To play this game all you ned to do is follow BeatMyTweet using your twitter account. When a new question is posted, you just need to send BeatMyTweet a direct reply by sending this tweet: @BeatMyTweet youranswer to your profile. And in moments you will receive a tweet notifying you about the right answer. To know about your position / performance you need to visit the BeatMtTweet homepage. This is really a good game as you make productive use of your time as well as get good at the english vocab. Check this screenshot below:

Play word games using twitter - digitizor
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Technorati Tags: twitter, games, english, vocabulary