5 useful things you could do with your netbook
You just purchased a Netbook and are very happy with the portability it offers. But when you are at home, the portability hardly matters and you never use your netbook at home. Here are someways in which you could put your netbook to good use: ♦ You could use your Netbook as a Photo / Video Assistant and carry it along with your Digitial Camera or a Camcoder.
♦ Use your netbook as your Tour Guide and Travelling researcher.
♦ Your netbook can serve as an excellent Table Clock.
♦ As a Laptop Tray: Your little netbook can add an inch or so to the gap between your lap and your laptop.
♦ You can use your Netbook also as a Portable Music System!
All these above tips have been dealt with in depth by Charlie Sorrel at Wired.
Related: Netbook Buying Guide
Technorati Tags: netbook, useful, use, home, productive, music, laptop