3 Things You Must Do When You Expand Your eCommerce Store
Most of the time, you can set up an eCommerce store for a relatively low cost. The overhead is not that significant compared to other businesses, and you have tremendous freedom to customize your eCommerce store however you want.
Initially, you'll be able to keep the costs quite low. But as your business base expands, you'll likely want to begin expanding. Here are some things that you'll want to consider saving for.
A Dedicated Server
If you're like most eCommerce store owners, you'll start your business off using another eCommerce platform to handle most of the technical stuff. That works great.

Dedicated Servers for e-commerce websites
But as your business expands, you'll need to be prepared for increase server loads and access requirements. This is a good problem to have. Once your sales start expanding, you'll want to consider increase your investment in other things like a point of sale equipment, higher marketing budgets and promotional contests among others.
The dedicated server will take some time to develop, particularly if you decide to combine it with a new host and upgrade your website. But it's a good time to increase your eCommerce store's traffic capabilities and help you serve your customers.
Of all of these priorities, the dedicated server is one of the most important since it will allow you to handle your customers' requests quickly and efficiently.
Customer Service Availability
When you're running a small eCommerce store, you'll probably handle most of the customer service matters yourself. Providing good customer service is essential for any successful business, not just eCommerce stores.
However, providing more customer service options is going to be expensive. Once your business reaches a certain size, you're going to have to make sure that you have enough people present to handle all the concerns.
Whether you decide that you want to have people available through chat or phone conversations, you'll need to invest in it, and it can be quite pricey. However, once you get a good customer service set-up, it's well worth it, particularly for getting your customers to come back.
Content Development Team
Unless you're a skilled and fast writer or are fortunate enough to have employees who can handle this for you, you'll need to hire someone to help you develop sufficient content for your content marketing campaigns.

Ecomerce Content Writing - product descriptions
These types of campaigns are some of the most efficient marketing options for eCommerce stores because it brings them to the website directly and helps them to become familiar with your products and brand. You may only need a writer or two in the beginning, but this is something that's worth saving up for if you can get a good one.
Your eCommerce store will hopefully continue to grow and expand. With it will come the need to improve your store. Some of the investments you should prepare for include transitioning to a dedicated server, getting good customer service availability, and hiring a content development team.
All of these steps make it easier for you to reach a larger audience while also increasing your potential to satisfy their needs.
Images via: http://www.contentrow.com/content-ideas-increase-ecommerce-site-traffic-conversions & http://www.uk2.net/blog/advantages-of-e-commerce/