Facebook Launches “Facebook For Every Phone” – Java Based Mobile App
Facebook is on its toes and its engineers must be working real hard to push new features and updates to the website. All this looks to have become more rigorous after Google announced its revamped social networking portal - Google Plus. And in reply, Facebook launched the Skype based video calling.
Although, Facebook is still the leader in Social Media but Google Plus seems to be promising and might pose a threat to Facebook in the coming days. With mobile applications and developers becoming such a huge part of today's smart phone in habited world, it's no wonder we're seeing some head to head competition between the giants and why this vie for power is so important.
Related: E-Commerce major Flipkart has also launched it's JAVA apps.
In a move to get even more users (more than 750 Million) on its website, Facebook has launched a new java based mobile application called "Facebook For Every Phone" which offers a fast and comprehensive access to Facebook.com on mobile phones without having to open the website in a mobile browser.

Screenshot: Facebook Mobile app for Java platform
This Java based Facebook app not only brings the News Feed, Inbox, and Photos to users but it also lets users to upload photos and find friends from phone contacts. Facebook claims that the app is currently supported on over 2,500 different mobile phones. Facebook has tied up with many carriers (mobile service providers) worldwide to provide free data access to users for this app for 3 months.
Here is a video of the Facebook Java app in action: (direct link)
How to Install the Java based Facebook app on your phone?
Users can download the Facebook Java app either from m.facebook.com or directly by visiting d.facebook.com/install from their mobile web browsers. The app can also be found on leading java app stores like GetJar, Appia and Mobile Weaver. Users of iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry or Android based mobile phones are not required to install this app.
Thanks Ran for the tip