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Facebook Withdraws Chat Support for IE 6

By Debjit on August 27th, 2010 

Facebook ChatFacebook Chat has become one of those heavily used features of Facebook. However users still keep on complaining about the kinks that they get while using Facebook Chat. In order to fix all these issues, Facebook has pushed new bug fixes and among all of that, they have decided to discontinue chat support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.

Rodrigo, a Facebook software engineer, mentioned in a blog post that the Facebook chat team is planning to make important improvements, in the coming weeks, to the way connections are established and messages are sent, so that Chat will be much more stable.

Some of the major improvements to Facebook Chat come from changes that aren't supported on older web browsers. Yes, you are right, Facebook has also jumped on the track of discontinuing IE 6 support for Facebook Chat. After evaluating the alternatives, Facebook has decided to make rapid improvements and provide the best Chat experience possible, which means that Internet Explorer 6 browsers will no longer be supported for Facebook Chat, September 15, 2010 onwards.

In the past, we have told you about Google withdrawing Internet Explorer 6 support for Google Apps as well as GMail & Google Calendar.

One of the biggest hiccups that the Facebook Chat faces even till date is that a Chat session goes and comes and in some cases disappears completely. We hope the new technology changes will address these instability issues out of the box. Although, the issues are less noticeable when you use the Facebook chat  from a third party client like Pidgin or iChat, but not many of use use these third party clients to access Facebook Chat 🙂


Facebook Withdraws Chat Support for IE 6 was originally published on on August 27, 2010 - 9:08 am (Indian Standard Time)