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Get Started With Ubuntu 10.04 With The Ubuntu Manual

By Ricky on May 2nd, 2010 

Ubuntu 10.04 is already out two days ago and by now many of you are probably using it. If you are new to Ubuntu, to help you get started, the Ubuntu community (or more specifically, the Ubuntu manual team) has brought out th Ubuntu Manual.

The manual is divided into nine chapters and covers everything that an Ubuntu newbie will need to get Ubuntu up and running like how to install Ubuntu installed, introduction to the Ubuntu desktop to how to secure your system.

So go ahead download the Ubuntu Manual and discover what goodness Ubuntu has to offer. Even if you are an experienced user, who knows there may be a few things you did not know.


Get Started With Ubuntu 10.04 With The Ubuntu Manual was originally published on on May 2, 2010 - 12:35 am (Indian Standard Time)