Manage your Nike+iPod running system in a much better way using Runshark
The Nike+ iPod Sport Kit is a unique device that helps you gauge your performance during your morning or evening jogging sessions. You just need to place a sensor in your Nike+ shoe for which there’s a built-in pocket specifically designed for it under the insole. You then need to connect the receiver to your iPod . The sensor tracks your run, then sends the data to your iPod. This data may include your song playlists etc.

Runshark is an offline client for analysing your nike+ jogging data using iPod
This sensor also sends your jogging data to the iPod, which can be read and analysed using the online iPod software - Nike+, but this online software may not be available at all times, say if your internet connection goes down. So you have to wait until your internet connection is up again running in case you need to analyse your jogging data. So, here we have Runshark.
This application, Runshark can easily read all the iPod data for your Jogging session and can actually show you useful charts and graphs about your run. Check the screenshot above. Runshark is available for both Linux and Windows platforms.
Technorati Tags: nike, shoe, ipod, exercise, jog, data, analyse, software, offline