Keep Track Of Your Mobile Data Usage Using My Data Manager
My Data Manager is an app for Android which can keep track of the data usage on your smartphone. With data usage being quite costly with some carriers, an app to monitor the data usage is a must have.
My Data Manager can keep track of your data usage while you are on roaming and home separately. Users can set their monthly data limit and the app keeps track of how much data has been used.
The app also keeps a log of how much data you have used on each day of the month. Another very important feature of this app is that you can see the data consumed by the app you have installed. This ensures that you can keep a check on apps which consumes your data in the background.
However, the app is not without a few drawbacks. The app keeps track of the data usage on the home network and while roaming independently. This might make sense for some but with my data plan, I get a certain limit regardless of whether I am on roaming or not. The app does not have any way to handle this. Another problem I found is that the total data usage displayed at the top can be a bit off. It is not always the same if you add up all the individual data usage of the apps.
All in all this is a good app which I would recommend to anyone who need to watch out about the data limit on their phone and whose plan provides for separate roaming and home data limits.
The app is available for free from the Android Market. Here are some screenshots of the app and the link to the Android Market are given below.
(Click the images above to see full size version.)

Scan the QR code to install My Data Manager
My Data Manager (Android Market Link)