RPM version of last.fm`s scrobbler client (for RedHat/Fedora/SuSE/Mandriva)
Last.FM has become a phenomena! And there would be very less people who would deny this. I myself is a last.fm fanatic, helps me stay up-to-date with current music trends and latest music from all over the world. Well, music podcasting ( for all budding bath singers 😉 ) is another thing that can be done on Last.FM. Well, coming to the point of this post, the last.fm website doesn`t have a RPM version of their audio-scrobbler client. Which, kind of took me by surpirse, provided that RPM based distros are more in use 🙂 (Well am a Debian fanatic too). But the goodfellas at last.fm hav included the source for their last.fm client though.
So I just compiled from the source and built an RPM package out of it. You can download it from here. I have tested this on RHEL 5, Fedora 9 and OpenSUSE 10.2, and it worked fine, out-of-the-box on all (Dont` worry the link for the download is from my googlepages home). You can visit my last.fm page here
Quicklinks: Last.FM AudioScrobbler Client (RPM)