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Yahoo! Officially Discontinues MyBlogLog

By Debjit on March 24th, 2011 

MyBlogLog LogoAlmost three months back we had told you that Yahoo! would be most probably discontinuing two of it's popular web based services: MyBlogLog and Well, it has happened as Yahoo! has officially discontinued it's MyBlogLog service and we think will follow soon (or may be not).

[More] Four Awesome MyBlogLog alternatives for your blog.

Here is a snippet from the e-mail which Yahoo! has been sending out to all the users of the MyBlogLog service, which will be discontinued by Yahoo from May 24, 2011:

You have been identified as a customer of Yahoo! MyBlogLog. We will officially discontinue Yahoo! MyBlogLog effective May 24, 2011. Your agreement with Yahoo!, to the extent that it applies to the Yahoo! MyBlogLog, will terminate on May 24, 2011.

Here is a screen shot of the e-mail which we received. You can read the contents of the e-mail here.

MyBlogLog discontinued by Yahoo!

MyBlogLog discontinued by Yahoo!


Yahoo! Officially Discontinues MyBlogLog was originally published on on March 24, 2011 - 11:21 pm (Indian Standard Time)