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14 Things You Didn’t Know You can Do With the Win Key in Windows 7
Windows 7 is creating new waves all around the world. We feel that this new baby from Miscrosoft is the next best OS from the time they had launched their (now discontinued) Windows XP. In this article we will tell you about 14 ways in which you could use the Win Key on your keyboard to do things faster in Windows 7. The Win Key (along with a combination of other keys) on your keyboard can now be used to perform a variety of functions in Windows 7. Here we list them one by one.
Win+D - Minimize all windows and show the desktop

Windows Key on your keyboard
Win+E - Launch Explorer with Computer as the focus
Win+F - Launch a search window
Win+G - Cycle through gadgets
Win+L - Lock the desktop
Win+M - Minimize the current window
Win+R - Open the Run window
Win+Space - Aero Peek the desktop
Win+T - Cycle through task bar opening Aero Peek for each running item
Win+U - Open the Ease of Use center
Ctrl+Win+Tab - Open persistent task selection window, roll mouse over each icon to preview item and minimize others
Win+Shift+arrow - Move current window to alternate screen
Win+h - Moves current window to full screen
Win+i - Restore current full screen window to normal size (minimize current window if not full screen)
We often use the Win + L key combination to lock screens in case we need to leave our desktops and go around. This gives a level of security to your current work and open windows.
Photo Courtesy: Flickr/Zoovroo