Become A Twitter Ninja With These Keyboard Shortcuts
Earlier today, Twitter started rolling out a completely revamped UI. It has some amazing features that should make a worthy competitor to the Twitter clients out there. New features includes a two panel interface, clear retweet and favorite labels, real name alongside the twitter handle, embedded media etc. In short is moving towards becoming more of a web app rather than just a simple website. However, one of the most important feature that have been introduced is the keyboard shortcuts.
Here is a list of them:
f - add a tweet as favorite
r - reply to a tweet
t - retweet
m - send a direct message
n - make a new tweet
esc - close the overlay window
? - list the shortcuts (there are a few hidden shortcuts not listed here)
. - refresh and back to the top
j - move to the next tweet
k - move back to the previous tweet
space - page down
shift + space - page up
If you know of any other hidden shortcuts, do let us know.
[hidden shortcuts from Lifehacker]