Free Money Saving Tips from Google – TipJar
Google's latest offering - TipJar, is a collection of money saving tips submitted and ranked by the web community. You can sign into TipJar using your google account and start posting your own money saving tips. If you have benefited from a tip at TipJar that saved you money, then you could vote the tip so that other TipJar users might also benefit from it and save some money.
The tips have been classified into various categories for better refernce and as with other Google products, they have incorporated a TipJar search too! How TipJar works? There are already a lot of tips available on websites scattered across the web that can help people save money. So Google Moderator collects all these tips and ranks them all according to community feedback.

TipJar helps you save money
A good shopping tip that we liked was "Buy a water filter and take your own water to the gym/sports etc. bottled water is expensive, unnecessary and bad for the environment". There was also another money saving tip that drew our attention: "Pay your bills online to save on postage". There are many such impressing and really money saving tips on the TipJar website. Tipjar is currently hosted at appspot, so you might face a redirection to the appspot page of TipJar. This is absoultely normal :-).
Related: Save on money while buying a netbook
Technorati Tags: money, save, tips, tipjar, google, economy