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The New ‘Like+1’ Button Merges Both Facebook Like And Google’s +1

By Debjit on June 21st, 2011 

Former Googler and the mind behind Facebook Disconnect,  Brian Kennish and security researcher Ashkan Soltani have come up with something interesting -the 'Like +1' button. This button, as the name suggests, is a hybrid both the Facebook like and Google's +1 allowing users to consolidate both the social clicks in one.

The click on Like+1 will let you display your likes on the Facebook profile and adding to Google profile at the same as well. You can see your +1s at the (u-username, 0- plusones). You can there also notice all the Facebook likes being exported to +1s with this new plugin. The hybrid button other than helping users on less clicks, saves the like+1 information locally. This can help in exporting the independent Facebook records of the liking anytime in the future.

With development of several social platforms, for a website the space which the plugins as Like, +1, tweet etc. takes makes it feel crowded. There the new Like+1 button will really be helpful. Saving space of the two buttons in one can let the space look little less crowded.

Like+1 is not affiliated with Google or Facebook.  The button is compatible with latest browsers and plugins are available for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and IE9 (courtesy of WebMynd, which provides add-ons running on multiple browser platforms).  Once installed, you will notice the earlier like button and +1 getting replaced by a single Like+1 button.


The New ‘Like+1’ Button Merges Both Facebook Like And Google’s +1 was originally published on on June 21, 2011 - 5:32 pm (Indian Standard Time)