Take Screenshot in Windows 8 with No Extra Software [Keyboard Shortcut]
Operating systems like Linux and Apple Mac OS have a nifty feature of a Keyboard Shortcut using which you can take a screenshot very easily without the use of any third-party image capture software. Just hit the Print-Screen button on the keyboard of your Linux or Mac OS X and the screenshot gets captured.
However, same does not happen on Windows Operating systems. Hitting the Print-Screen key just grabs the screenshot in the clipboard and then you need a software like MS Paint to transfer the screenshot from the clipboard and then save it as a file.
Come Windows 8 and all this is set to change. Microsoft has included a nice little feature in Windows, a new keyboard shortcut: Win Key + Print Screen. When you hold down the Windows key and press the PrtScn (Print Screen) on the keyboard in Windows 8, the screenshot is captured in is saved in a new folder called Screenshots in the Libraries > Pictures folder.

Win Key + Print Screen: Windows 8 Screenshot Shortcut
Go ahead and give this nifty screenshot tip a try if you are already using Windows 8!