The UbuntuOne KDE Client Enters Alpha [+ Installation Instruction]
A long time back (around six months), the first KDE client of UbuntuOne was released as a technical preview.
Yesterday, the KDE client for UbuntuOne enters the Alpha stage. Apart from the usual UbuntuOne stuffs like syncing stuffs, it also has a few features which you do not get even with the UbuntuOne client for Ubuntu. Some of the features are:
- Ubuntu One Status Notifier notifies about the status of your Ubuntu One client. It will show whether you are downloading, uploading etc.
- It also has a minimalistic browser widget that takes you directly to your Ubuntu One web interface.
- You can create an UbuntuOne Share and select the people you want to share with directly from your Akonadi address books.
To use the UbuntuOne KDE Client, you need to have Kubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat. Kubuntu 10.10 is currently in the third Alpha and the stable release will be available in October.
Now to install it, open the Konsole and execute the following commands:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apachelogger/ubuntuone-kde
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-kde