Yahoo To Shut Down and MyBlogLog
We seriously have no idea what Yahoo! is upto and hope whatever it is doing has a good motive to it. So why are we telling you all this? Because, we just learned that Yahoo! is planning to shut down two of it's very popular web based services - and MyBlogLog. Looks like Yahoo! is now a place where startups go to die!
Delicious is a popular social web bookmarking website that lets you bookmark you links on the web
from any web browser out there. Since, Delicious will go down soon you can take a look atĀ six best and free alternatives to Delicious. In addition to Delicious, another Yahoo! service for the blogger community called the MyBlogLog will also be shut down soon. It seems that Yahoo! is planning to keep only which it is the best at.
According to a news release from Slashdot, a leaked internal presentation from Yahoo shows that Delicious will be wound down. Daring Fireball also reported that the whole team was fired just yesterday in the recent Yahoo! job cuts. It appears that Delicious is just one of the services in Yahoo's portfolio that is going the way of the Dodo.
In addition to MyBlogLog and Delicious, there a some more services likeĀ - Yahoo! Picks, Yahoo! Bookmarks, Y!Buzz, and AllTheWeb - which will be shut down by Yahoo! as was revealed by Techcrunch.
via Slashdot, Source Daring Fireball