15 best Add-ons for Songbird Music player
Songbird is a free and open source software media player cum web browser from the people who previously developed Winamp and the Yahoo! Music Engine. Songbird employs Mozilla's XULRunner platform, and is thus capable of running on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Solaris and Linux (Songbird is no more available for Linux). Songbird utilizes the GStreamer media framework. Users can add features and change functionality in Songbird by installing extensions (as with Mozilla Firefox).
In this article we will tell you about 15 add-ons for Songbird player which will really improve your music listening experience.
♦ Now Playing List This extension adds a now playing list with ability to drag and drop songs into the queue and then play them as a playlist. You can also save the list as a playlist if you like.
♦ LyricMaster - This add-on displays the lyrics a song has embedded through metadata. In case there is no metadata then the lyrics is fetched from the web. The user can also enter his own lyrics or edit the already fetched lyrics.

lastfm support for Songbird. You can also love tracks from Sonbirdp player itself
♦ Last.FM - This add-on scrobbles your tracks and keeps your Last.fm profile updated with what you've been listening to on your computer through Songbird. If you're playing music offline the Songbird Last.fm addon will post what you played when you come back online. This add-on also has many other features. There is also another Last.FM add-on available for Songbird but it requires the official Last.FM client already installed.
♦ Windows Media Playback - This add-on adds support for WMA (windows Media Audio) files including the protected ones.
♦ iPod Device Support - Using this add-on you can play your iPod from Songbird and synchronize it with your Songbird library. This extension will mount your iPod in Songbird, allowing you to play songs from your iPod library and playlists and copy songs to your iPod or synchronize your iPod from your Songbird library.
♦ Minimize to Tray - This add-on when installed minimizes Songbird music player into the System tray and also shows a notification when a new track is played.
♦ QuickTime Playback - Adds support for playing audio files purchased from the iTunes Music store.
♦ Album Art Manager - This add-on brings an album cover manager for the Songbird media player. It has a manager window that will allow users to download or set covers for the albums in their main library. Cover art can also be fetched from various services or files or even metadata.
♦ Directory Browser - Using this add-on you can directly play your music files from the directory listing right from Songbird player, without even importing music into your Songbird player.
Here we have written about Eight (8) add-ons for Songbird Music player which will improve your Music experience by many folds. To find out about the 7 more add-ons for Songbird Player you must read the Next Part of this Article.
Technorati Tags: songbird, best, addon