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Articles in the ‘Linux’ Category

How-To access and browse Linux partitions from Windows ?

How-To access and browse Linux partitions from Windows ?

For users who Dual Boot Windows and Linux, accessing files from their linux partitions while in windows has never been a good enough experience. But, we now have many tools that make this problem a cakewalk. Let us see a few of these softwares and their features:

 Computers   Hacks   How-To   Linux   Windows   Windows 7  

By Debjit

Performance and network tweaks for Firefox – Browse faster

Performance and network tweaks for Firefox – Browse faster

Firefox is already one of the fastest browsers out there but some simple tweaks could actually turn your firefox browser into a blazingly fast browser. The tweaks which we will describe below actually deal with http pipelining, link prefetching and the last trick involves the use of the temporary filesystem but this trick is valid…

 Hacks   Linux   Microsoft   Networks   Security   Web Design   Windows   Windows 7  

By Debjit

Fedora Speed Tweaks – Make Fedora Faster

Fedora Speed Tweaks – Make Fedora Faster

In this article we will show you how you can boost the performance of your box running Fedora 10 and make it faster using a few simple tweaks. As always, we would always recommend you to back your system settings up so that in case of any inadvertant errors you can safely revert back to…

 Computers   Hacks   Linux   Security   Software  

By Debjit

How-To copy data from the local cache of "Google Gears" ?

How-To copy data from the local cache of "Google Gears" ?

Google Gears is software offered by Google that enables more powerful web applications, by adding new    features to your web browser. One of it`s feature is that it provides a LocalServer module that caches and serves application resources like HTML, JavaScript, images, etc. There are a number of applications that use Google Gears, including Google`s…

 Google   How-To   Linux   Microsoft   Windows 7  

By Debjit

How To Enable Automatic Login In Fedora Linux

How To Enable Automatic Login In Fedora Linux

Setting up Fedora 10 to log into our account automatically is very easy. You simply need to append a few lines to the file called custom.conf located in the /etc/gdm/ directory. Now, open the above mentioned file in a text-editor like gedit or kedit, and append these lines:

 How-To   Linux   Pragmatism  

By Debjit

phpsh – An interactive shell (command line) for PHP

phpsh – An interactive shell (command line) for PHP

phpsh is an interactive shell for php that features readline history, tab completion, quick access to documentation. It was developed at Facebook and ironically, is written mostly in python. Here you can check a screenshot below to find out what exactly are we jabber-jabbering!!

 Facebook   Ideas   Linux   Web Design  

By Debjit

Fedora 10 Reference Cheatsheet

Fedora 10 Reference Cheatsheet

Its been quite a time since Fedora 10 has been around and with so many users switching to Linux these days, a reference cheat sheet for Fedora 10 becomes handy for both n00bs (who are switching to Fedora 10) and regular users alike. We, here at Digitizor, have prepared a cheat-sheet for the brand new…

 Linux   Pragmatism  

By Debjit

How To access GTalk on Pidgin if GTalk is blocked by your internet service provider

How To access GTalk on Pidgin if GTalk is blocked by your internet service provider

Here is a nice workaround that lets you login to the GoogleTalk clent via Pidgin. Right Click on your Google Account in Pidgin and click on modify. Then select the Advanced tab. In the dialog box that opens, Check the “Force Old (port 5223) SSL” option.

 Articles   How-To   Linux   Tips & Tricks  

By Debjit

HOW-TO convert DAA files to ISO in Linux?

Direct Access Archive, or DAA, is a proprietary file format developed by powerISO for disk image files. And it is very simple to convert to ISO in linux. You just need an utility called daa2iso.

 How-To   Linux   Pragmatism   Software  

By Debjit

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